
Disc Golf Courses

Multiple Addresses | 940-761-7490 | website
The City of Wichita Falls has two 18-hole disc golf courses: one in Lucy Park, 100 Sunset Drive, and one in Lake Wichita Park, 5205 Fairway Blvd. The course located in Lucy Park begins along Sunset Drive next to the Lucy Park Log Cabin. Link to Lucy Park Disc Golf Map HERE.
The Lake Wichita Park course begins south of the small shelter near the playground along Fairway Blvd. Both courses are utilized on a first come first served basis and participants must furnish their own discs.
Score cards can be obtained at the Recreation Office 600 11th Street, Room 209. For more information call 940-761-7490

Map to Lucy Park:

Map to Lake Wichita Park: